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-> Protection Against Computer Theft, Disasters, Equipment Failure & User Error

The 3 Most Expensive & Deadly Computer Disasters That Wipe Out Small Business Owners ...

And How To Avoid Them

An Urgent Warning To All Small Business Owners:

If You Depend On Your Computer Network To Run Your Business, This Is One Report You DON'T Want To Overlook!

"93 percent of companies that lost their data center for 10 days or more due to a disaster filed for bankruptcy within one year of the disaster".
-- 7th Annual ICSA Lab's Virus Prevalance Survey, March 2002

If your computers were stolen, how long would it take for you to get up and running again? Would you be able to restore all of your files? Would the stolen computers expose any sensitive company information?

"30% of all businesses that have a major fire go out of business within a year. 70% fail within five years."
-- Home Office Computing Magazine

If you were to experience a natural disaster in your office, how long would it take to get back up and running?

"The most common cause of data loss, according to engineers at data recovery vendor Ontrack (who pick up the pieces afterwards), is hardware failure (78%)..."
-- Computer Reseller News June 21, 2004

In the computer industry, Murphy's Law is all too familiar. Murphy's Law states: If anything can go wrong, it will. Equipment failure is painful when it does happen. The most commen equipment failure happens with parts insiden your computer such as the hard drive, processor, or power supply. These are all simple components to replace, but the main concerns are how long your system will be down, and what will happen to your data.

In this FREE Report, You'll Discover:

  • 5 Critical security measures every small business should have in place.
  • The single costliest mistake most small business owners make when it comes to protecting their irreplaceable company data.
  • How to avoid costly network repair bills.
  • A simple way to protect your network that won't cost you a dime!

Yes! Please send me my free report to protect my business from the most common disasters


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